Our partners met yesterday for the last time! We discussed the pending activities of the project, which ends its development stage this week.
The ALLinErasmus products are ready for you to enjoy, and we encourage you to look at them in our website!
Our partners met yesterday for the last time! We discussed the pending activities of the project, which ends its development stage this week.
The ALLinErasmus products are ready for you to enjoy, and we encourage you to look at them in our website!
Finansē Eiropas Savienība. Izteiktie viedokļi ir tikai autora(-u) un ne vienmēr atspoguļo Eiropas Savienības vai Eiropas Izglītības un kultūras izpildaģentūras (EACEA) uzskatus. Ne Eiropas Savienība, ne EACEA nevar būt par tiem atbildīgi.